

Add icons to enhance your application.

As with the CSS stylesheets, dash-bootstrap-components doesn't come pre-bundled with icons. This is to give you the freedom to use any icon library of your choice.

There are a number of different icon libraries available, which you can link to via CDN, or serve locally depending on your needs. Details on how to link css can be found in the themes documentation.

Packaged CDN links

dash-bootstrap-components contains CDN links for Bootstrap Icons v1.8.1 and Font Awesome v6.1.1, two libraries of icons you can use in your apps. You can use either of them by adding them to external_stylesheets when instantiating your app.

Bootstrap Icons was developed by the Bootstrap team specifically for use with Bootstrap. There is excellent documentation on how to use them on the Bootstrap website, and a small example below.

Font Awesome is perhaps the most widely used icon library and is very commonly used with Bootstrap. Usage is similar to Bootstrap Icons, check their documentation for more details.

With either library, if you are trying to use an icon, and it simply isn't appearing, then please check which icon documentation version you are using. Both libraries add new icons regularly, and it may be that the icon you want has been renamed or isn't included in the versions we include listed above.

Links are available in the dash_bootstrap_components.icons submodule.

import dash
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc

# For Bootstrap Icons...
app = dash.Dash(
    external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP, dbc.icons.BOOTSTRAP]
# Or for Font Awesome Icons...
app = dash.Dash(
    external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP, dbc.icons.FONT_AWESOME]


This simple example adds Bootstrap Icons to some alerts.

An example info alert with an icon
An example success alert with an icon
An example warning alert with an icon
An example danger alert with an icon
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import dash_html_components as html

alerts = html.Div(
                html.I(className="bi bi-info-circle-fill me-2"),
                "An example info alert with an icon",
            className="d-flex align-items-center",
                html.I(className="bi bi-check-circle-fill me-2"),
                "An example success alert with an icon",
            className="d-flex align-items-center",
                html.I(className="bi bi-exclamation-triangle-fill me-2"),
                "An example warning alert with an icon",
            className="d-flex align-items-center",
                html.I(className="bi bi-x-octagon-fill me-2"),
                "An example danger alert with an icon",
            className="d-flex align-items-center",